Monday, October 09, 2006

Computer Woes

It happens to all of us. And usually in the same way.

The day arrives. The moment comes. Right when you really need your computer the most, right when you have that big presentation, that huge event, a vital life-altering e-mail to send...your computer says, "No."

It happened to Lisa on Friday. Friday night was CROPTOBERFEST! Women were coming from all around the world to work on their albums (okay, all around town, but seriously, didn't "world" sound better?). There were banners to make, lists to provide, tally sheets to print. But her computer said, "No. There will be no banners. There will be no lists. Write your own tally sheets, Princess." And so she did.

But it's 2006 and computers are like oxygen. (That is to say that we need them, not that they are produced by plant life.) And so we went out and got her a brand spanking new laptop this weekend. But before we get it set up, we need to salvage all her data from the old hard drive. And clean up the computer desk and all points around it. And hook up the other new machines we bought for her and her receptionist-buddy at work. After, of course, moving all of their data as well.

And then, my friends? Ah yes. Then it will be my turn.


At 11:49 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I'm not going to follow Greg's comment not that I'm superstitious.

I’m sure Greg remembers the time we stayed in San Fran at a hotel that featured a computer-less front desk. When Greg asked the receptionist / owner how he got along without a computer, he proudly held up his legal pad and said in broken / Asian American English, “This never crash.”

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Windows XP crashed.
I am the blue screen of death.
No one hears your screams.

I'm alternately sad and happy for you, as a new computer and its related goodies are always fun. My "Dedicated Sims Machine/Gee Honey, Thanks For Putting Me Through Grad School" computer is rarely taxed, but I know it's just a matter of time before it coughs up a hard drive or something. I can't believe that my freshman year, I wrote my papers on a *typewriter*.

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim Power here (I'm not really anonymous, I just work on computers all day and don't have any energy left over to start up a blogger account).

Ooh! Ooh! I know one! Not that I want to get into a Haiku-showdown with Wendy or anything, but as a Linux Software Engineer, here's my favorite:

Wind catches lilies
Scatt'ring petals to the wind...
Segmentation fault

At 3:00 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Glad she's up and running. The best thing about a hardware problem is you get to go to the computer shop and see how out of date your present computer really is even though you just bought it 6 months ago.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Josh Stump said...

Perhaps a pen and paper never crash, but it's also tough to blog...and check sports scores...and...oh yeah, do my job and stuff, so I'm sticking with the computer and would sure love a new laptop.

If by "your turn" you mean that you are going to get a new computer or get some new electronic goodies, I strongly recommend the following:

1. Tivo - this is a must have.
2. Slingbox - I don't have one yet, but I will...approximately 3 weeks before i lose my job.
3. one of those wireless cards for your laptop that allows you to connect to the web from anywhere, not just a wifi hotspot. I don't have one, but I sure want one. I could from anywhere.

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I felt a bit "unsettled" after Wendy told me, "You may need a new computer soon" I say, "NO-O-O-O-O!!" I'm comfortable with THIS one!" Wendy and Rick are MY "tekkies" - I mainly call them to tell me (again) "How do I defrag? I can't find your cheat sheet." I am in awe of those who grew up with computers, and am thankful to have gotten as far as I have in using one. Wendy spent an entire weekend "cleaning up" my system of a spyware problem AND completing my faulty installation of Nortons renewal. U R da BOMB, Wendy. But I still long to invest in a (gasp) typewriter from Vermont Country store...

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Why doesn't my computer call me princess?

At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should...


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