Monday, April 18, 2005


I'm going to meet Ernest Hemingway tonight.

The AP Lit class is trying something new this year. Each student researched a single author and read his or her major works. Tonight they are holding a dinner and attending AS the author they have learned about. They each got to choose a Sunnyside teacher as their guest and my host, Ben Thornbury, chose Hemingway. What they DON'T know is that we are going to ask them a number of questions about their life and writings and then grade them on their answers and performance. They've been getting ready for this all year so it should be interesting. Ben's a great kid so I won't give him too hard a time, but I doubt I'll go easy on the boy either.

We're also allowed to chat with the other authors present, so I'm looking forward to spending some time with Homer and Tolkien tonight. My job has some cool perks.


At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun.

I've got a few questions for you to ask Homer:

Ask him the real truth behind Marge's tall blue hair.

Ask him how someone who could be so skilled as a writer could do such a lousy job raising Bart and Lisa.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Hardy har har.

Couldn't you have just said, "D'oh!" and moved on?


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