Wednesday, April 20, 2005


From The Message in the Bottle by Walker Percy:

"Why do more people commit suicide in San Francisco, the most beautiful city in America, than in any other city? (In Europe, the suicide capital is Salzburg, Austria.)
Why was it that Jean-Paul Sartre, sitting in a French cafe writing Nausea, which is about the absurdity of human existence and the nausea of life in the twentieth century--why was he the happiest man in France at the time?
Why is it that a man riding a good commuter train from Larchmont to New York, whose needs and drives are satisfied, who has a good home, loving wife and family, good job, who enjoys unprecedented 'cultural and recreational facilities,' often feels bad without knowing why?"

Despair, ennui, lack of it what you will, it seldom arises from harsh circumstances. The truly bad times tend to bring about anger and defiance, but seldom despair. That comes from having everything you want and realizing that it isn't enough.

Praise God for His infinite and present gifts...for His abundant love and guiding Spirit...for purpose and service and life everlasting!


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. Here's what you said that hit me hard:

"[despair] That comes from having everything you want and realizing that it isn't enough."

Why is it, though we know gaining "the whole world" will not matter, we keep on trying to gain the whole world?


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