Monday, June 04, 2007

The Joy of Being God

Think about those things that bring you joy. Then multiply them by, oh, say a hundred billion or so. You are getting closer...not close, but understanding the joy of being God.

You watch an aquarium full of fish, focusing on one in particular which is vibrant in color and activity. God watches oceans and sees everything from the coral reef to the murky depths. You move from cage to cage at a zoo, amazed at the diversity and intricacy of life. Or, better yet, you see the animals while on safari, tuned into their natural lives. God sees microbes, spiders, aardvarks, and pelicans all at once.

You find joy in recreation? Video games, movies, and sports of all kinds must pale in comparison to the kind of play in which God can indulge. We create works of art and poetry and music. We go to our workshops and build with wood and metal. We tend to our gardens while God tends to his jungles. We create birdhouses. God creates nebulae.

Your joy comes from the time you spend with your family. Surely there can be no greater joy than simply watching our children. Until you consider that we are all God's children and that He watches us constantly, not with punitive eyes but with loving ones. God savors us.

Perhaps the only joy we experience that God cannot share a millionfold is the joy of worshiping Him. But what joys does He have that are beyond our understanding?

"We should think that God leads a very interesting life, and that He is full of joy. Undoubtedly he is the most joyous being in the universe. The abundance of His love and generosity is inseparable from His infinite joy. All of the good and beautiful things from which we occasionally drink tiny droplets of soul-exhilarating joy, God continuously experiences in all their breadth and depth and richness."

-- Dallas Willard


At 11:04 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

I found great joy in watching you, your son, and the other children as they sat at your feet and listened to your words. I'm not joking here...although there were some delightful "big sister" moments when James exclaimed answers and laughed with a friend, wasn't it a sweet aroma? To watch those kids each week look up at the person teaching know that although they aren't perfect in behavior, they are just what they are...children. It was really sweet.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Again, you write about another aspect of our infinate God that just blows me away.

At 2:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know that Joy is what our life is about, or one of the things it's about. But I hadn't thought much about God's Joy. Thanks.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Meowmix said...

Great thoughts, Steve. I know this isn't as deep a thought as God's joy,............but I've always believed God has a sense of humor! :)


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