Thursday, November 10, 2005

State of the Kitchen Address

Thanks to all for your prayers.

We spent last night at Mom's, finally getting to bed around 10:30, making it a 19-hour day. We would have been in bed earlier but we had to watch "Lost" (what was up with THAT, by the way???). Lisa spent the day taking care of everything. Insurance, contractors, workmen, endless phone calls, plus her own business. I don't think anybody knows how amazing she is. I mean just smart-tough-dedicated-perseverant-beautiful-funny-AMAZING!

Right now, the big stuff is out of the kitchen and on the front lawn: dishwasher, sink, cabinets, and lots of rubble. The power is on everywhere but the kitchen, but there is no water. We have been assured (yeah, we'll see, he said skeptically) that everything will be capped off and we'll have gas, electricity, and water back tonight. If they're right, that means we can sleep in our own bed. The weather looks fairly foreboding though, so I'll believe it when I'm sleeping. Lisa will probably spend most of today sorting through the rubble, salvaging what can be salvaged and writing down everything that was lost.

Tomorrow is a holiday. The original plan was to sleep long and late. But now, the workmen might have something to say about that. They say things will be back to normal in about 6 weeks. So it will probably be (he said, cynically) a couple of months. There will be a lot of hard work and hard decisions in the meantime (to sue, or not to sue, that is the question). I promise to keep posting if you promise to keep praying.

Dang, whatever happened to Positive Reinforcement Week?


At 10:37 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Positive Reinforcement Week is carried on by the fact that you're still blogging. My math brother, with all you're going through with rubble, searching through belongings, and boarding up your home; I now declare you, Lisa, and James honorary Floridians. If you can handle what you’re going through now, you can take on a hurricane.
wisiqh (term used to describe an honorary Floridian)

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Wow! Read yesterday's and today's posts. So glad you are alright!

Makes me want to give you guys a hand and wear clean pajamas to bed in case something like that happens to us.

At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wanted to remodel didn't you?


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