Monday, October 31, 2005

Monday Bloggin'

I look forward to Monday morning blogs more than any other. The reason is that all of the blogs I currently visit are written by church-goin' folk and on Mondays they usually talk about what happened Sunday. It's a blessing to be able to share how God is working at the College Church in Fresno, but even moreso to find out how He is working in different places throughout the country. When I read of baptisms and prayers and special events in all of these areas it reminds me not only of how awesome our God is, how much love and attention he gives us, but also of His universality, of His omnipresence. His Spirit is alive and at work in the lives of brothers and sisters around the world...and that's pretty cool.

I was incredibly blessed yesterday at College. I can't even truly put my finger on why but I will give a few highlights and let others connect the dots. Early in the service, Wes Schmidt and Rebekkah Mayfield read about the joy of God's Word from Psalm 119. This has little significance without knowing who these two are. Wes is one of the older men of our flock, a former elder and (if I was to pick just one) the patriarch of College Church. Rebekkah is a young girl around (help me out, Sandra) 8 or so. They each read two lines of the Psalm, trading off back and forth. It was fortunate that I had heard them rehearse earlier so that I could get all of the "losing-it" out of the way. The Word never sounded so beautiful.

Sandra's mix of songs was perfect. She always does a great job, not only of mixing the old with the new and finding the right blend of songs as far as fast/slow and musical keys...but she works hard to prepare peoples' minds for the lesson. Yesterday we sang about the beauty of the Word and I couldn't keep my hands down. The lesson was on God's desire for His disciples to study. We looked at it from the angle that it is something that all can do and that all are called to do. God wants our minds and thoughts to be on Him. Study isn't about proving others wrong. It's about drawing closer to Christ, knowing Him better, transforming who we are. It's a subject that is dear to me and God blessed me through the message and the study that went into it.

The College Church is an awesome place. Not without our problems. But with some of the greatest people you'll ever meet. I'm so grateful to be a part of it.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Oh Steve, you are so right about "study." I think more harm was done than we'll ever know by well-meaning folks who thought the very need to study God's Word was to prove others wrong. How can I be spiritually transformed when my study, my efforts, my life is focused on finding the wrong in others and in the process ignoring the wrong in my life. May it never be anymore.
We had a double header / the home team wins both games kind of day at Central yesterday as well. If I get time I'll do a post on it.
ddqdbo (ancient commercial slogan - "Just do it!")
sruvg (type of person I'm am for having to word verify more than once)

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! Good stuff you guys.

nkyhzznz (the collective sound heard from the crowd during one of Greg's sermons)

At 8:44 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Would that be during the first 25 minutes or the second 25 minutes of Greg's sermon?
Love you Greg.
jxlsqiv (feelings expressed during first 25 minutes of sermon)

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

You are sweet with your words, Steve...I have been talking with Tim/Doug and we agree there has been a "richness" in our assembly time that is beautiful.

The only thing to attribute this to is that God is in charge and moving through us...thankfully.


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