Friday, October 28, 2005

Super Friends

Last night I was getting James ready for bed. The weather has turned chilly so I was looking for some of his longer, warmer pajamas. I found his Spider-Man pants but couldn't find his Spider-Man shirt. He noticed what I was holding and so he was getting excited about being Spider-Man; there was no turning back. The shirt was nowhere to be found, but there was a Superman shirt. I asked him how he felt about having both Superman's AND Spider-Man's powers. Judging from how he jumped up and down at the prospect, he felt very positive about this indeed.

Aside: I am such a superhero junkie. Did you notice that I even bother to correctly hyphenate "Spider-Man"? This makes me an anal superhero junkie. I use superhero/Star Wars references in sermons least until somebody pulls me aside and says "enough already." Then I skip doing it in my next sermon.

Second Aside: Here we go again. I preached the Sunday before Episode III came out and I'm up again this coming Sunday. Yep. The DVD comes out on Tuesday. Must...control...impulses....

As James was getting dressed for bed, we both noticed at the same time that he was wearing -- wait for it -- Batman underwear! We both got tickled and laughed together for a long time. So, not only was he going to be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, climb walls, use x-ray vision, swing on webs, and be invulnerable to everything except kryptonite...but he was going to get to drive the Batmobile too! I'm telling you, good stuff, man.

I want so much to instill the things I love in that precious boy. I want him to love superheroes and Star Wars and baseball. My daily prayer though, is that he sees my love for God, shares it, and finds that it outshines his love for any other thing on earth.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Steve, thanks for the post. It took me back to memory lane with my own son. He was a super-hero kid as well. His heroes were all of the “Power Rangers” with the White Ranger being his favorite. I think Steven thought he had the coolest looking sword.

As for your son, he also has the coveted “spidey-sense” as well has a heat ray and the latest version of the “Bat-computer.” Makes me want to say, “Yes Commissioner.”

As for your prayer I believe God will honor it. I think there is a special bond between sons and their fathers. As long as you’re involved with him at this stage when you’re his super hero, there will be a connection that you can call him back to even when he grows up into one of those “hedonistic little suckers” we call teenagers.

But enjoy this time because it flies by before you know it.
addlro (version of word verification math)

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will because you are genuine. Those are the things we want our "boys" to learn from us and not the rest of it.

I was going to reference some super heroes but I was unsure of the correct syntax.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Ashley loves to call out to me... "Mom, do something...Daddy's acting 12 again!"

That usually means he's bending down, trying to tackle her, nudging her with his head, hugging her hard all at the same time.

She's totally irritated with him while at the same time laughing her heart out!

You know this, but stay right there...close...touching, hugging, tackling, laughing, praying.

You're a great dad.


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