Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ok, NOW It's Summer

After about 2 more hours of tech training, summer will officially begin.

Tonight, I get to go with my nephew and his family to see Star Wars. He's 16 today and perfect. This weekend, the Salt Lake Stingers (the Angels AAA affiliate) are in town to play the Grizzlies. Rich and I will go on Sunday and Monday. Meanwhile, the Angels are playing my favorite National League team, the Marlins, for the first time. I really like both of these teams and I'm looking forward to watching them play each other. Then next week I'm looking at a long stretch of "days Steve doesn't have to go to work." There will be lots to do...VBS, teaching at church, a lot of play time with James, and hopefully an Angels game or three. And Lisa is BUSY. But I love those days when my most important decision is whether to read my book or play a computer game.

Lisa and I are starting a new tradition for Mother's/Father's Day. The honoree-to-be will say to the spouse, "Hey, did you get me anything yet?" The spouse will say, "Um. No." And then we will say, "Good. Mind if I buy this?" where the "this" in question is something we are looking at on-line or saw in a store somewhere. That's how I got some books I've been wanting to read forEVER from Amazon this week. They are:

"Mere Discipleship"
"A Generous Orthodoxy"
"The Emerging Church"
"Blue Like Jazz"

Today I started reading "Blue Like Jazz." Here is the first paragraph:

I once listened to an Indian on television say that God was in the wind and the
water, and I wondered at how beautiful that was because it meant you could swim in Him
or have Him brush your face in a breeze. I am early in my story, but I believe I will
stretch out into eternity, and in heaven I will reflect upon these early days, these days
when it seemed God was down a dirt road, walking toward me. Years ago He was a
swinging speck in the distance; now He is close enough I can hear His singing. Soon I
will see the lines on His face.

No book that starts that good can turn out bad. I can't wait.


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

I started reading "Blue Like Jazz". It was at the same time I was very sick and trying to finish a school program, so I put it down. I think I'll pick it up again...

By the way, our Star Wars viewing was complete because you, the Star Wars expert, went with us. Fun Night.

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The book does sound good. I shall look for a copy.

I wonder if your tradition will work in my house, say when I'm at Bass Pro Shops looking at a boat?


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