Monday, December 10, 2007

Caption Contest #4

Yesterday, we ordained three new elders of the College Church. The message of the day was one of servant leadership. The five incumbent elders washed the feet of the three new ones. Our children wished them God's blessings through song. They were charged to lead through their own example. And during a sweet time of fellowship and invitation, the entire church went to all of our elder couples and briefly encouraged them.

After all of that emotion, we had a wonderful Communion together. The elders and their wives passed the emblems among the body and afterwards, went to the front of the auditorium where, joined by their families, they faced the church as they sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You."

Not a dry eye, I tells ya.

It should be pointed out that the church didn't bat an eye as husbands and wives passed Communion. There was a time that this would have caused an uproar (for reasons which remain odd and cloudy to me). But this was accepted as a simple act of service.

It was a memorable day for the entire church, and one that I was so honored to be a part of.

And now, with no transition at all, I present the following picture for comment:

"Morning breath is a whole lot worse when you've been up all night fighting off the forces of evil."


At 7:52 AM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

I loved hearing about the elder ordination from Mom. We're about to embark on this process at Cordova.

As for the picture: "Fighting Bat Breath, one day at a time."

At 7:58 AM, Blogger twinmommy said...

How about "Be a superhero. Brush for TWO minutes each time."

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

Sounds like a wonderful service. We did the same thing with our new elders a few years ago, only instead of having them serve communion, we had the stationed around the building and the people went to where they were to encourage them and be encouraged by them. And, too, not a blink of an eye with the women involved. Now let them stand on stage behind the table and it may be different, but I don't know why!!

Picture: "Do REAL superheroes have to brush their teeth?"

We had a family in the funeral home last week and I offered a little boy, about 5, a lollipop only to realize his mother was a dentist! Oooooppss!! She did let him have a bag of microwave popcorn, so the kid was happy.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that should be "Fighting Spider Breath, one brush at a time".

The service was so warm and spirit-filled! Awesome!

And, I hope that the elders' wives assisting in communion will become a precedent at College, and perhaps include all willing women who want to serve. (It's been that way at Pepperdine for quite a while now.)

Every new step is a wonderful beginning...

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Not declaring Randy the rightful winner yesterday left a bad taste in my mouth.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Mayor of Blakersfield said...

Yes Virginia, Spider-man does exist and he sings too.

At 3:08 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Now that is something we haven't done yet. What a beautiful picture of how serving as an elder is truly a family affair.

Caption: Dad, you gave your kids homework over the weekend!"

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

I should have mentioned that I mixed my superhero metaphors because it's inevetable that he has Batman underoos on or something. One superhero just isn't enough for James.

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you thought regular human breath was bad, take a whiff of some superhuman breath!"

"Morning breath is a whole lot worse when you've been up all night fighting off the forces of evil"


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