Monday, December 19, 2005

Posting From Home

The chair isn't as comfortable and the computer isn't as nice, but the simple pleasure of not being at work covers a multitude of sins.

This year has been very tough, although it's getting better. Most of my serious troublemakers have been kicked out by now and I'm getting a chance to know the ones who are still there. Guess what. Nice kids! I've also had some visits in the last couple of weeks from the ghosts of students past. How nice it's been to see Adri-Ann, Kristian, Jeku, Anna and others. These young adults are doing amazing things. Good thing too, since they're going to rule the world some day.

All that to say this: while these two weeks off couldn't have come at a better time, I think I'll be ready to face the second semester on January 3. In the meantime, I still have this (...) kidney stone, there is shopping to be done, and I think I'm preaching the next three Sundays. I've never preached a Christmas sermon before and I'm really looking forward to it. We'll be looking at Christ through the eyes of John the Baptist, focusing on the blend of God and man. "Behold the lamb, the Son of God!" Great stuff and an excellent opportunity to talk about how blessed we are to have Jesus in our lives right now. We often use Christmas to talk about what happened 2000 years ago or what's going to happen when we die. But Sunday we'll talk about the present, where we would be, what our lives would be like if not for the coming of the Lamb.

I hope to stay in touch with everybody over the next couple of weeks, even from this uncomfortable chair on this sub-par computer. (Hey, why do I have nicer stuff at work than at home? Hmmmm...) You are all a blessing to me and I appreciate your prayers and encouragement.

P.S. Last night's musical was awesome. I love that we have such talented singers, that they work so hard, and that they all so obviously enjoy themselves when it's time for the payoff. They were incredible. I wish you all could have heard them.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I know what you mean about slumming on the home computer sans a District supplied server.

Use this break to heal and re-charge the teacher batteries. I know God will use you on Christmas Day at the College Church.
Remember the Teacher's Prayer: May all of your problem students transfer to mffogxfz.

At 3:20 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Sorry you've got to rough it on the computer. Maybe you should home school.

I preach the same Christmas sermon every year. And only about half of the people have caught on.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, no, no Steve, you have it all wrong! We don't believe in Christmas!

Oh, and you should start calling your sparse surroundings your hermitage.

Sounds alot better than your rjawybu.

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Oh, I forgot! Thanks for reminding me before I made a fool of myself. "Christmas, Schmistmas" is not the official title of my sermon.

I like the idea of this being my hermitage too. I'm in the middle of "Father Joe, The Man Who Saved My Soul" right now. Reminds me of him. Anybody else read that one?

(I'm still working on the official book list. Haven't forgotten.)

At 7:08 AM, Blogger CL said...

Sounds like your Sunday sermon will be a good one, I like your idea, and concept. God bless!


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