Thursday, December 15, 2005


I'm not blogging too much today, folks. I woke up a little before 6:00 with kidney stone pain. After a trip to school to set things up for a sub, then a trip to the doctor, then next door for x-rays, back to the doctor, back next door for blood work...then a shot in the rear that hurt almost as much as the stone....

It occurs to me that this may be too much information.

I digress. Then a trip to the pharmacy, then home to have breakfast so that I could take a pain pill. It is now 11:30 and I'm not doubled over for the first time today. Oh, it still hurts, don't get me wrong. But I'm able to think for a bit.

I brought a bunch of tests home to grade. That lasted about 10 minutes. Now I'm going to lay down, read, do laundry...basically stay out of the way of the nice man finishing up the drywall in the kitchen. Oh yeah, 5 weeks after our kitchen was turned into a parking space, it is still basically gutted. We live on concrete among bare walls. It's now looking like we'll be back to normal in February.

Okay. This hurts. Raise your hand if you've had one. This is number 20 or so for me. And no, Cecil, I'm not just starting vacation early. It's back to work for me tomorrow, one way or another.



At 12:38 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

You’re going to hate me Steve – “0.”
I’ve never had a kidney stone. Everyone I know (that would include you and brother your slugging percentage sucks) says it’s very painful! You’re in my prayers Math Bro.

And what terrible timing – exam week! To modify a saying I once heard, “Teach the best / shoot the rest,” how about “Grade the best and fail the rest!”

Hope you feel better buddy. You’re in my prayers.
dagkqcm (Latin root of the southern phrase "dad-gum.")

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain brother. Well, I don't actually feel your pain and don't necessarily want to feel your pain.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm there for you. Well, I'm not actually there for you and since you have no kitchen I don't necessarily want to be there.

I really just wanted to tell you no pain no gain. But then again that's not necessarily true either because great gain can come without pain.

So be warm and be filled or be cold and be emptied you choose.

nyhalem (From the Fiddler on the roof:
"To life, to life nyhalem)

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Keith Davis said...

Carol Burnett said that if you want to feel what it's like to have a baby, simply grab your bottom lip and stretch it over your head.:)

Never had a kidney stone, but hear that it is rough. Or at least that's what my dog said about it:)

Sorry that was too easy.

Seriously praying for you!

focvxmu -- A a demon possessed cow with good eye-sight. Where does this stuff come from?

At 2:24 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Sorry you're in pain. I've heard that large quantities of beer help kidney stones to "wash out". Anyway, that's what father-in-law used to tell me.

I've spent the last hour in front of Ukrainian computer reading the blogs. Lots has been going on.

BTW, Jesus NOT crying is IN THE TEXT. Don't it say the child was to bring PEACE ON EARTH?

Come on...

At 9:53 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Steve's Rolling Stones Score:
Steve - 20
Cecil - 0
Randy -0
Greg - 0
Keith - 0
Brady - 0
Judy - 0

Some Conclusions:
1. Average Stone Per Person - Survey says 2.9
2. Compared to Steve, we're a bunch of zeros.
3. In this case, it's good to be a zero.
4. Steve is an outlier.
5. Median score - 0
6. Mode score - 0
7. Range - 20
8. Steve's scores have a "mean range."
9. Time to go home! I'm free! I'm going to drink a great big mug of ktjgce!

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Cecil, I love you like the brother I never met.

Not too happy with you right now though.

By the way, I am now, ever have been, and always will be in every conceivable way an outlier.

And it ain't just the meds makin' me say xjdmpnnl.

At 4:38 AM, Blogger The Raabs said...

I'm just amazed that this is "not bloggin much"!
Just to throw the stats in the war (a dutch expression - mess things up), I haven't ever had a stone either - at least not one in my kidney. My son used to stop every five steps on theway to school to pick up all sorts though (stones, not kidneys).
Am praying and hope that this doesn't pgogd you too much.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Love you to my math brother. We have got to meet this summer. Hope this Monday update finds you stone free.
Greg - I started to update Steve's stone stats due to Scotts input but I can't find my qzyuo.


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