Friday, January 28, 2005


Yeah, okay, that might be enough of the Greek alphabet.

That paragraph doesn't count.

Neither does the last one.

This could go on for a while.

The whole reason I started this blog was because I wanted to respond to Brandon's after ZOE had been in town. You had to create a blog to be able to respond to a blog (clever, eh?) and so I did. I've been reading his and Mike Cope's daily now. Mike's family is still recovering from Chris' accident and it's encouraging to see how a strong brother handles such things. It's nice to read about what these fellas are up to and it helps me remember to drop a prayer for them after I'm done reading. Maybe someday, if anybody ever happens on to my blog, they'll do the same for me.

Fresno State starts their baseball season today! They're on the road but it's a nice reminder that soon the sun will be shining, the birds will be singing, and the fly balls will be...well...flying.

Lisa left last night and is gone until Saturday. I have alot to do still to get ready for Sunday's sermon, so that's the plan for tonight. I'll have dinner with mother and son and then home and to bed--for him.


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